In March of each year a celebration of the Jackson chapter anniversary is usually held on the second Saturday of the month at 1:00pm.  This year 2025 will be the 45rd year anniversary.  A covered dish meal will be held in conjunction also.  Make your plans to be there.


The annual balloon liftoff usually held in the fall of each year.  Watch for dates to be announced.

Thank you for your continued support of the Jackson chapter.  This chapter continues because some see the need to help others attending our meetings.

Candle lighting service with children's pictures.   This is held THIS YEAR 2025 ON second Saturday  of February at Fondren Presbyterian Church at 1:00 pm

  _____WATCH FOR THIS  _______________________________________________

Although our meetings are held in donated church facilities, The Compassionate Friends is not a religious organization, and espouses no religion affiliation or doctrines. Persons of all faiths (Or no faith), creeds, color, and race are welcome.             



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